70 California communities have spoken against the …

70 California communities have spoken against the expansion of oil drilling or exploration off of California’s coastline. Most recently Escondido voted to pass a Resolution against off shore drilling in California.

Now the time came for the City of San Marcos to add its voice to this California harmony. Led by the newest elected Councilmembers, Randy Walton and Maria Nunez, the community spoke out that it wanted to be part of the chorus. The Mayor, Rebecca Jones, showed weak leadership by superseding Councilmember Walton’s Motion to adopt its own Resolution against the expansion of off shore drilling with her own “Motion to postpone a vote indefinitely.” Joined by Councilmember Jenkins and newly appointed Councilmember Petrek, the Mayor squashed the Resolution and the chorus ended with a screeching dissonant interval. 🎶

Thank you Councilmembers Randy Walton and Maria Nunez for your leadership on taking on important and audacious issues that affect all communities. Sadly, the Council failed an important first opportunity to deliver a harmonic consonant interval. 🎶